Friday, May 9, 2008

Go Fast, Turn Left

RVA track and road racing at it's finest. Check it out.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

May 7th Sprint Series

A message from Bainsworth-

Because of some unforeseeable events this weeks sprint series is going to be postponed until the following Wednesday the 14th. Everything will carry over and resume next week. Please be kind and spread the word.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Another bike gone in RVA

Cheyenne got his bike stolen. If you see a Felt tk2 track​ frame​,​ brook​es saddle​,​ riser​ bars with red grips​,​ gun metal deep V rims tackle that fucker and take the bike back. If it's locked up please lock it up with your lock and call/e-mail me or call Cheyenne @(415)305-2825. You can also alert the police since a report was filed.

Judge Mathis tonight!

Jesse, Franny and Howdy of the Cutthroats will be on Judge Mathis tonight. 7p.m. on channel 13. This will be the 2nd time that the Cutthroats have been on Judge Mathis.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Grundle Rumble

I have gotten a few e-mails asking about the date of the race. It is on the 10th not the 3rd. There were a few posters that went out with the date of the 3rd on them and we do apologize for that. It was a printing error.

Friday, May 2, 2008

All Star Market

Everyone should go to All Star tonight and check out an art installation by Matthew Brett. I don't personally know the guy but this is the first time All Star in participating in first Friday. Gives you a chance to grab a pint and and hang out with yours truly.

Mopeds are tight

Unless you get hit by a cop. Now I know the article says that the cop was "involved" and that they are investigating it. To me that just sounds like they are trying to figure out a way to make it so the officer/officers involved won't get into trouble. Make your own deduction from the article.

Gotta read the comments section

This is an article from the so called "news paper" that is the Richmond Times Dispatch. The article itself is nothing spectacular but the comments section is awesome. It's just funny when people argue their side but don't listen or take into consideration other peoples opinions.
Picture unrelated.

Blah blah blah

It's been nice out and I have just been plain lazy with writing new posts. That is going to change and there will be posts every day now.